Fuelling the Metaverse

We are in an age of Extended Reality. Equanimous Technologies as a AR/VR Development Company is commited to furthering the cause of the XR across all domains.

Augmented Reality Applications , Virtual Reality Applications, WebAR , AR Effects,  3D Modeling, Internet of Things Applications,  Embedded Programming we have got everything covered.

Want to discuss something ? 

Let’s talk.

Augmented Reality

We assist companies and brands in developing Augmented Reality experiences  that improve client engagement , solve their business needs and help them establish a unique identity in the marketplace.

Virtual Reality

Metaverse is here. And companies and brands want their businesses to explore in the new reality. We develop interactive and engaging experiences in Virtual Reality for businesses , individuals and brands.

Web AR

We build interactive , engaging and intriguing experiences in WebAR which can be experienced via just a link. No app downloads required. These experiences are best for package marketing, brand awareness and retail outreach. We are experts in frameworks like 8th wall , Zappar, Arjs , Aframe and threejs

AR Effects

We specialize in developing AR Effects and Filters for platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat for business to help them scale their business and increase brand awareness Check out some of the effects that we’ve developed.

Industries We Serve

Real Estate

Virtual Walkthroughs for the projects. Augmented Real Estate Brochures

Educational Institutes

AR Books , Learning Material. Experiential Learning through AR/VR

Small Businesses

Augmented Reality Business Cards. 3D Product Catalogs


Virtual Showroom using AR Effects. Intrinsic views/Maintenance of vehicles


3D Interactive Posters and Cards. AR based photo booth.


Preventive Maintenanc/Self Maintenance Augmented User Manual.